eXp 6000 Professional Plus – OKM
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eXp 6000 Professional 26168,- €
eXp 6000 Professional Plus 35688,- €
New Edition 2024: Mehr Style – Mehr Leichtigkeit – Mehr Möglichkeiten !!!
eXp 6000 – Kabelloser 3D-Metalldetektor und Bodenscanner mit Touchscreen und Videobrille.
Verbessertes Detektordesign. Sonden aus Karbon – extrem stark und leicht. Leichtere Steuereinheit und Teleskopgestänge. Vereinfachte Bedienung. 3D- Scan- Analyse direkt an der Kontrolleinheit. Integrierte Akkus mit hoher Kapazität. Abnehmbarer GPS-Empfänger. Inkl. Detektor- Software Visualizer 3D Studio
New Invention: Telescopic Probe • Totally Wireless Through Wifi • Gps, Gyroscope & Video Eye Glasses • Multilingual • Touch Screen • Layouts • 3D Graphics of Buried Treasures & Artifacts !!!
Die grafische Benutzeroberfläche ist in den folgenden Sprachen verfügbar:
Deutsch, English, Français, Polski, Español, عربي, فارسی , Ελληνικά, Türkçe, 中文, Pусский, Nederlands, Български
Die Bedienungsanleitung ist in folgenden Sprachen lieferbar: Englisch, Spanisch, Arabisch und Türkisch.
Der eXp 6000 Bodenscanner und 3D-Metalldetektor gehört zu den besten Ortungsgeräten für Schatzsucher, Archäologen, Prospektoren, Goldsucher und Bodengrunduntersucher, die OKM zu bieten hat. Dieser Detektor arbeitet komplett kabellos und wird über Touchscreen, Android Videobrillen oder Android Tablet PC’s gesteuert. Es ist der weltweit erste 3D-Bodenscanner, der OKM’s neu erfundene Teleskopsonde verwendet, deren Länge zwischen 50 und 120 cm variiert werden kann.
Die einzigartige mehrsprachige Benutzeroberfläche und die kabellosen Messsonden erlauben eine sehr einfache intuitive Bedienung. Das Gerät arbeitet mit der neuen Software Visualizer 3D Studio Professional Edition um die grafischen Messwertaufnahmen und Bodenscans zu analysieren. Somit werden detektierte Objekte wie antike Artefakte, wertvolle Schätze und historische Fundstücke identifiziert und deren Tiefe und Größe ermittelt.
Eigenschaften und Anwendungsgebiete des eXp 6000:
Für Schatzsucher, Archäologen, Prospektoren und Goldsucher entwickelt, um sie bei der Suche nach vergrabenen Artefakten und verschollenen Schätzen zu zu unterstützen:
- Edle metallische Objekte aus Gold, Silber und Bronze
- Verborgene nicht-metallische Strukturen wie Grabkammern, Höhlen, Mauerreste, Fundamente, Statuen und Tunnel
- Natürliche Goldvorkommen
- Wertvolle Artefakte, verschollene Reichtümer und Schätze
- Militaria von Schlachtfeldern, historische Siedlungen antike Kultstätten
Alle Komponenten dieses Ortungsgeräts sind kabellos. Die Messsonden verwenden WiFi / WLAN, um mit dem 3D Detektor zu kommunizieren und Daten auszutauschen. Der Zusammenbau des Geräts geht damit kinderleicht vonstatten.
Das Bodenerkundungssystem besteht vorwiegend aus den folgenden Teilen:
Kontrolleinheit: Mit Touchscreen, mehrsprachiger Benutzeroberfläche in unterschiedlichen Layouts, automatischer Helligkeitsregulierung und GPS (kann aktiviert werden).
Teleskopgestänge zur Aufnahme der folgenden Messsonden:
Teleskopsonde: Die Länge dieser neu erfundenen Messsonde kann zwischen 50 und 120 cm verändert werden und ist daher gut geeignet, um sowohl große als auch kleine Messfelder geophysikalisch zu untersuchen. Von jetzt an muss der Benutzer keine unterschiedlichen Sonden in verschiedenen Größen mehr mit sich führen.
Supersonde: Diese spezialisierte Sonde gehört zum besten Bodenscanner- Zubehör, das auf dem Markt erhältlich ist. Mit dieser Sonde wird die Objektunterscheidung / Diskrimination und die Punktortung (Pin- Pointing) zum Kinderspiel.
Tunnelsonde: Diese Messsonde wird mit dem 3D- Metalldetektor verbunden, wenn verborgene Tunnel, Kammern, Keller, Unterstände, Höhlen und andere hohlraumartige Objekte detektiert werden sollen.
LiveStream- Sonde: Diese Messsonde liefert einen direkten Datenstrom auf das Display, um vergrabene Objekte „live“ im Untergrund zu detektieren. Dadurch kann der Benutzer schnell große Flächen untersuchen und potentielle unterirdische Objekte aufspüren.
Der Benutzer kann den Bodenscanner und Metalldetektor – unabhängig vom Touchscreen – auch mit einer Android Videobrille oder einem Android Tablet PC steuern. Dabei können die Android-Geräte das Display vollständig ersetzen oder zusätzlichen Nutzern das parallele Beobachten der Entstehung der 3D-Bodenscans ermöglichen.
The eXp 6000 is the top of the line 3d ground scanner from OKM’s famous Future Series, a collection of powerful metal detectors to locate underground treasures and artifacts.
It works totally wireless with a multilingual user interface operated by a touch screen. It supports the world’s first telescopic probe, invented by OKM.
Each measuring probe is equipped with an orientation sensor to assist you in conducting scan images of high quality. This will help to keep your probe level to the ground.
One of the unique OKM inventions is this measuring probe. The telescopic probe can be extended or shortened to different lengths to scan even large areas in short time.
Treasure hunters who conduct many scans may enable the internal GPS tracker to log GPS coordinates along with the scan values. Thus they can easily find back to the measured area.
Easy handling without any cables by using wireless WiFi technology. All probes are transmitting data wirelessly to telescopic rod assembly and control unit.
The LiveStream Sensor allows an immediate view into the underground soil and its hidden treasures. It is perfectly used in conjunction with Android video eye glasses.
The eXp 6000 control unit contains several layouts and color schemes to optimize the work under extreme light conditions like bright sunlight or dark night.
The eXp 6000 offers a graphical user interface (GUI) with many different languages to support best understanding to its operators. All menu elements and dialogs are translated into12 languages.
For detailed in-depth analyses of conducted ground scans, the eXp 6000 offers the option to transfer its data via USB stick to a computer with Visualizer 3D software.
Next to a multi-function control knob the operator may use the built-in touch screen of the eXp 6000. Thus operating the ground scanner is simple and fast.
Measuring Probes:
The eXp 6000 metal detector comes with a variety of specialized measuring probes. Each measuring probe is equipped with an orientation sensor (gyroscope) that assists in conducting scan images of high quality. By keeping track of the probe’s orientation the operator can immediately correct inclinations of the connected measuring probe while scanning the underground. The user will get a visual indication directly onto the screen or video eye glasses of the eXp 6000 as well as an acoustical signal.
Telescopic Probe Super Sensor
This very new and unique ground scanning probe was invented by OKM to reduce the amount of scanning probes as used with previously eXp detectors. Now the treasure hunter will utilize one single horizontal GPR probe that can be extended from 50 cm to 120 cm scanning width.
As the name of this measuring probe already implies, the Super Sensor is one of the most versatile ground scanning probe that can be used for additional operating modes like Pin Pointer (with metal discrimination) and Mineral Scan-detection of natural gold occurrences.
LiveStream Sensor Tunnel Sensor
Due to its complex sensor design the LiveStream Sensor is operated to get a direct view into the underground. The measuring data will be streamed onto the display or the video eye glasses of the eXp 6000 to locate hidden objects and underground structures. Thus the operator of the metal detector receives quick information regarding what is buried beneath his feet in the underground soil.
The Tunnel Sensor has been designed to locate underground hollow spaces like tunnels, caves, sepulchers, dugouts, bunkers, shelters, tombs and the like. Thus it can be used to detect non- metallic changes within the subsurface soil.
Operating Modes:
The eXp 6000 supports different operating modes that can be used todetect underground treasures, artifacts, facilities and voids. Depending on the operator’s task or application the appropriate operating mode has to be used in conjunction with one of the measuring probes.
Ground Scan
The Ground Scan operating mode can be considered as the most important function. The operator can use all available measuring probes to create a full ground scan of a scan area. The resulting scan image can be stored into the metal detector’s control unit for additional analyses. Simply transfer the data via USB stick to a Windows computer to utilize the Visualizer 3D software for in- depth analysis like position determination, depth and size measurements as well as signal corrections.
Pin Pointer
The Pin Pointer operating mode utilizes the Super Sensor to pinpoint the exact location of detected objects. It also gives some kind of indication concerning the type of metal (ferrous vs. non-ferrous).
Live Scan
The Live Scan operating mode can be used in conjunction with the Live Stream Sensor only. The detectorist will receive scan information streamed directly onto the screen or video eye glasses of the eXp 6000.
Mineral Scan
For prospectors and gold seekers the Mineral Scan operating mode comes into focus. This function is operated with the Super Sensor to locate underground deposits of natural minerals like gold.
Tunnel Scan
The Tunnel Scan functionality is intended for all operators who are looking for voids, caves, chambers, tombs, tunnels and the like. This operating mode can only be used with the Tunnel Sensor to highlight potential places of non- metallic objects and anomalies.
Operators looking for ferrous metals like iron, iron oxide, stainless steel or alloys of iron with other metals will use the operating mode Magnetometer. This function indicates the presence of ferrous metals in an audio- visual way. Furthermore it can be used to clean ferrous contaminated areas before conducting ground scans for precious non- ferrous metals like gold, silver, copper or bronze.
Wireless Android devices (Glasses and Tablet PC)
Alternatively to the folding display, the operator of the eXp 6000 ground scanner can connect any modern Android Tablet PC or Android video eye glasses by WiFi. This can be necessary to either replace the display or to allow some additional user(s) to watch alongside while the operator is using the detector. Especially the video eye glasses can support your work by bringing the screen information closer to the user’s eyes and reduces the light emission of the standard display. Both alternatives are also very helpful while giving a technical demonstration of the eXp 6000 metal detector or supervising the operator’s work.
Software Visualizer 3D Studio Professional Edition for eXp 6000 ground scanner
For additional in-depth analyses of conducted ground scans the user of the eXp 6000 ground scanner can transfer the stored scan images to an USB stick. Then those files can be opened by OKM’s Visualizer 3D software to optimize, measure and improve the recorded scan data. The visualization software already proved its capabilities. Many treasure finds, buried artifacts as well as other hidden objects have been located by evaluating measurements with Visualizer 3D.
The following functionality is included in the Software Visualizer 3D Studio Professional Edition:
- Characterize scan images with details like description, area dimensions and soil conditions
- Measuring position, size and depth of localized treasures, artifacts and the like
- Selection of preconfigured soil types for depth measurement
- Variable render and display options (wireframe, resolution, colors…)
- View GPS location in Google Maps (browser and internet connection required)
- Automatic and manual correction of erroneous signals (caused by probe inclination during recording)
- Color filtering
The graphical 3d representation indicates the existence of buried objects that have been detected underground.
By selecting the anomaly within the graphical view the operator can easily measure its current depth.
All ground scans that contain valid GPS information can transform the scan field position into Google Maps.
The graphical user interface (GUI) of the Software Visualizer 3D Studio Professional Edition comes in many different languages to support the user in the most efficient way.
Some filter options like interpolation can improve the quality of the ground scan to better find hidden objects.
In case of recording errors (probe inclination, wrong rotation…) the 3d software utilizes error correction features.
Technical Specifications of eXp 6000 ground scanner
The indicated technical specifications of the eXp 6000 ground scanner and 3d metal detector are average values only. While operating the eXp 6000 and its accessories as well as by future improvements these values may change.
Control Unit
The control unit is powered by integrated batteries and is the main controller of the complete ground scanning system.
Dimensions (H x W x D): | 120 x 210 x 280 mm |
Weight: | about 2340 g |
Voltage: | 11.8 – 19 VDC, 50 W maximal |
Safety Class: | IP40 |
Operating Time (fully charged Batteries, 25 °C): | about 4 hours |
Operating Temperature: | -10 °C – 50 °C |
Display: | 6.5″ Diagonal, 1024 x 768 Pixel TFT Color, 650 cd / qm |
Prozessor / Main CPU: | QuadCore AMD @ 2GHz, OpenGL 4.2 HD Radeon GPU |
Working Memory (RAM): | 4 GB Kingston HyperX |
Data Memory: | 8 GB SD-Card, Class 10 |
Feedback: | acoustic, visual |
Storage Temperature: | -20 °C – 60 °C |
Air Humidity: | 5 % – 75 % |
Waterproof: | No |
Data Transmission Technology: | WiFi 802.11n a / b / g, MIMO 2×2 |
Data Transmission Rate: | 11 Mbps – 54 Mbps |
Operation Distance (line of sight to probe): | Max. 4 m |
eXp 6000 Professional eXp 6000 Professional Plus
Hier finden Sie den gesamten Lieferumfang aller optional erhältlichen Zubehörteile und die Preise.
Sie können sich auch Ihr ganz individuelles Paket zusammenstellen, um Ihre speziellen Anforderungen an die Schatzsuche oder Mineraldetektion zu erfüllen. Kontaktieren Sie uns und wir werden Ihnen gern dabei behilflich sein.
eXp 6000 Professional 26168,- € • eXp 6000 Professional Plus 35688,- €
Bezeichnung: | Preis: | Professional | Professional Plus | |
Kontrolleinheit | 1 | 1 | ||
Software Visualizer 3D Studio Professional Edition auch auf USB-Stick | 1 | 1 | ||
Bluetooth-Kopfhörer | 1 | 1 | ||
Teleskopgestänge | 1 | 1 | ||
Handbuch | 1 | 1 | ||
Kabellose Supersonde | 1 | 1 | ||
Kabellose Teleskopsonde | 1 | 1 | ||
Integrierte Akkus. Ladegerät und Reiseadapter | 2 | 2 |
USB-Stick | 1 |
1 | ||
Wasserdichter und stoßfester Peli-Koffer | 1 | 1 | ||
GPS-Empfänger (abnehmbar) | 344,- € | 1 | ||
Schutzkappe (ohne GPS) | 1 | |||
Kabellose LiveStream-Sonde | 6532,- € | 1 | ||
Kabellose Tunnelsonde | 2962,- € | 1 | ||
Videobrille mit integriertem Kopfhörer | 2676,- € | 1 | ||
Quick Start Guide | 1 | 1 | ||
Windows Notebook mit vorinstallierter Software Visualizer 3D Studio Professional Edition | 439,- € |
Gesamtersparnis 2944,- € beim eXp 6000 Professional Plus !!!
Wenn Sie sich zum eXp 6000 Professional alle vier Zubehörteile einzeln dazu kaufen würden !!!
Herstellerangaben. Irrtum und technische Änderungen vorbehalten.